ICICR 2024

Call For Papers

Home Call For Papers

2024 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Robotics will be held in Dalian, China during April 12-14, 2024.

ICICR2024 invites the submission of original research papers in the fields of intelligent computing and robotics to be published in the conference proceedings.  Each submission is anonymously reviewed by an average of three independent reviewers, to ensure the final high standard and quality of submitted papers. Accepted papers will be published and sent to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing service.

We solicit submissions on previously unpublished research work. Example areas include but are not limited to:


  New Computing Theories, Architectures, and Models

  Advanced Computing Equipment, Hardware and Software

  New Computing Paradigms

  New Computing Systems

  Computation-driven Machine Intelligence, Swarm Intelligence, etc.

  Machine and Deep Learning of Knowledge

  Trusted Computing and Privacy Computing

  Intelligent Understanding and Decomposition of Computing Tasks


  Cognitive Machine Intelligence

  Data Product Design

  Data, Text, and Web Analytics

  Pattern Recognition

  Modeling and Managing Large Data Systems

  Smart Services

  Computational Mechanism Design, Algorithmic Game Theory and Multi-agent Systems


  Robot Design, Development and Control

  AI in Robots

  AI and Robotics Technologies

  Sensor/Actuator Networks

  Adaptive Signal Processing and Control

  Robotics Modeling and Identification

  Mobile Robots and Intelligent Autonomous Systems

  Human-Machine Interfaces


  Distributed Control Systems

  Intelligent Fault Detection and Identification

  Soft Computing based Control Algorithms

  Evolutionary Computation and Control

  Decision Support Systems

  Software Agents for Intelligent Control Systems

  An-machine Interactions

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: 29-02-2023 10-03-2024

Notification of acceptance: 31-03-2024

Camera-ready due: 10-04-2024


Early registration deadline: 30-11-2023

Late registration deadline: 10-04-2024

ICICR2024: 12-14 April, 2024

Submission Guidelines

-Authors must make sure that their submissions do not substantially overlap work which has been published elsewhere or simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference with proceedings.

-All submitted paper should be focused on one of the conference topic areas.

-The submission file is in Microsoft Word, PDF, or WordPerfect document file format.

-All URL addresses in the text (e.g., http://pkk.suu.ca) are activated and ready to click.

-All submissions should be written in English with a varying length from 4 to 8 pages including figures and references.

-All submissions should be strictly followed the format of the Paper Template.

-All submissions should be submitted directly to conference e-mail address: icrconf@acamail.org or to  or . For avoiding submit repeatedly, please do select one method only

Review Instruction

ICICR2024 follows the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible procedures against any publication misconduct. This Conference does not accept any type of plagiarism, which means that any author replicating a significant part of another's work without acknowledging him/her or passing another's work off as his/her own are not tolerated and not published. All authors submitting their works to ICICR2024 for publication as original works confirm that the submitted papers are their own contributions and have not been copied in whole or in part from other works. Each submission is anonymously reviewed by an average of three independent reviewers, to ensure the final high standard and quality of each accepted submission. The ICICR2024 guarantees that the entire peer review and publication process is meticulous and objective. Furthermore, all works not in accordance with these standards will be removed from the publication if malpractice is revealed at any time even after the publication. Every case of suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing will be reported.